Need Quick Funds for a Business Venture? Consider a Jewelry Equity Loan!

Starting a new business can be both exciting and stressful. The majority of the stress stems from the financial side of things and coming up with the cash you need. Capetown Capital Lenders is here to help you get funds for a businesses venture with a jewelry equity loan.

Why Should You Avoid a Bank Loan?

Many people looking to get funds for a business venture originally consider a bank loan. However, banks have very strict standards for who they lend to. Banks require a credit check in order to lend to you. Therefore, if your credit score doesn’t meet the bank’s criteria, then it will be nearly impossible for you to get a bank loan.  In 2017, only 36% of small business owners were able to obtain a loan from the bank for a business venture. This percentage is so low because many people aren’t aware of the state of their credit score. So if you don’t have a good credit score, then you will be automatically rejected from a bank loan.

Get funds for a business venture by using your Rolex as collateral for a jewelry equity loan!
Do you own a Rolex watch? This is a great item to use as collateral for a jewelry equity loan!

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